My photo
Snyders Photography is the combined artistic talents of Dave and Kristin Snyder. We met while earning BFAs in Photography from Massachusetts College of Art and quickly figured out that we're a great team. Working together produces work with greater depth than that of a single photographer. We're able to blend technical mastery with fun, fresh ideas to make photos as unnique as they are striking.

We have been married since 2001 and live in Hartwell, Georgia with our three children. We're crazy people and we have have a loud, messy house- if you announce you’re on your way over, Kristin will panic and start throwing unfolded laundry into baskets while cursing under her breath. Dave will humor her and pick up everything she drops as she ferries said laundry upstairs. We take pride in our happy, loving kids; our friendship and above all, our work. It’s our job to make photos that make our clients beam, cry, and giggle. If we do, we have done our job and done it well. We drink too much coffee and have living room dance parties. Laughter is a language spoken in our home. This blog is the venue for the frame-a-day project that documents our sweet little life.

Monday, January 31, 2011

1-31-11 -- T-R-O-U-B-L-E.  These two, I tell ya... thick as thieves...  ;)
1-30-11 -- Camping!  We were blessed with two very wonderful, warm days of 70+ degrees!  Dave and Em were able to camp out on the woods that night and enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather.  Emily is now a BIG fan of camping.  :) 
1-29-11 -- Love him!  He's scrumdiddlyumptious! 
1-28-11 -- Frustration!  When you finally decide to buy something, it's maddening when it's never in stock!  Really?!?  Since October?!?  C'mon!!
1-27-11 -- Yum!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Our first HDR.  It was an early, cold, crazy morning getting the kids off to school and Dave out the door to work - but there's always time to make a picture!  Dave saw the sunrise, ran back in, grabbed the camera and clicked off all of the required pieces of the puzzle.  Still so much to learn about making an HDR really sing, but I though this was a pretty good starting place.  If you can believe it, I didn't saturate the colors at all - that's all from making correct exposures.  Cool, right?!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Jakester is 5.  Happy birthday, sweet boy!  May you always be so bright-eyed, loving and happy.  :)

Snapped this one while waiting in vain for UPS - after the call center assured me that we would receive a very delayed package that day.  Funny to find out on Tuesday that it would actually be Friday before a delivery attempt could be made.  Many thanks to Gail at Carnesville UPS for going out of her way to help us locate our terribly misrouted box and making arrangements for me to pick it up.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

After eleven hours of work, only Dave could make me look fresh and happy.  Lucky, lucky me!

The end of the day - this is the wreckage that comes after five people spend the day in one house.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Yeah, it's fuzzy and grainy and gray and underexposed.  This is exactly how the light was this morning in our bedroom with a pile of kids snuggled down in the bed.  Perfect. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dave snapped this one of me out in the snow today.  Wind howling, sleet and ice falling, chaos all around - and he manages to make me look lovely.  I'm so lucky!

After some thought, we have decided that our 365 can be a family affair.  Emily, 6, shot this yesterday.  She's a responsible, thoughtful kid, so Dave handed her our camera without worry.  After a quick lesson, she was ready to roll.  She took a pretty good set of photos, actually - choosing just one was hard for me!  She's got an eye for composition already.  I have no doubt that we'll have a super second shooter by the time she turns 10!  So join me in applauding Emily and the photo for 1-9-11.  Way to go, kiddo!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mad props to my assistant Jake, for putting up umpteen little umbrellas.  You ought to see his technicolor hands...  :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Took down all of the decorations today - such a bummer!  The living room looks far better with a large, colorfully lit tree in it.  I think my friend Beth Cooper has it right by keeping a "Season Tree" in her house year round.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Hunter - too bad those "arrows" have erasers for tips!  Thanks Aunt Janelle and Uncle Josh!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Self-portrait with daughter  ;)

Saturday, January 1, 2011